When your teen is getting ready for university, you will have to spend days in preparation of the big day. This is the first time that your child will be stepping out of the home. Hence, you need to prepare them for the life to come. If they are moving into their own student apartment, bypassing student halls, then you will need to help them set up their essentials, from gas and electricity to the internet, for which you may find some help through earthlink internet plans, so you are preparing them as best as possible. Additionally, you have to teach your teen several lessons to ensure that they always remain independent and self-efficient. Here are things to do before your child goes to university plus a bonus tip on how a student bus pass can help them save money.
Help them cook meals
One of biggest problems with teens is that they do not know how to cook. If you want your child to remain healthy during their stay at the university, teach them how to cook. Get a student cookbook and start with easy recipes. This will help them stay healthy by eating home cooked meals. Students end up eating a lot of ramen noodles or expensive outside food. This is bad for their pocket as well as their health.
Help them buy essentials
As your teen will be taking care of themselves now, you must help them buy a few essentials. This would include groceries and other essential items of daily necessities. Towels, dustbins etc. are a few things that your child must learn how to buy as they will need these things regularly and buy them without your guidance.
Get them a student bank account
Getting a student bank account for your child is one of the most important financial decisions that you will help them take. These bank accounts usually provide overdraft facilities to the students. As a result of this, it becomes easier for them to dive into their savings in case of emergency. However, ensure that you tell your child that the overdraft is not for parties but only for emergency situations.
Teaching them washing and cleaning
Teach your kids how to wash their own clothes and clean up after themselves. This is one of the important lessons that your kid needs to learn. Students are not very good with cleaning and washing. They should learn to keep their dorm rooms clean. If they have hard floors instead of carpet, then you may want to take a look at a robot vacuum for hardwood floors that they can take with them. Not only will this be efficient, but because they do not have to physically clean the floor, they don’t have to moan about it! Most students don’t have access to washing machines so they will likely go to a laundromat. It is important to teach them how to sort their clothes and wash them accordingly so that accidents can be avoided.
Give them valuable life lessons
University is a time of transition when young individuals are exposed to new ideas, lifestyles, and peer pressure. Teaching them moral and ethical lessons before they start attending university can help them make wiser choices and better decisions. Encouraging your child to read the Bible, or perhaps engage in a local youth ministry curriculum, can help them develop a strong moral foundation. This will likely guide them through their university years and beyond.
Make a student bus pass for them
A student bus pass from Stagecoach will help your teen stay away from expensive taxi rides while saving extra money too. This pass is made only once and payments are made in advance. With the help of this ticket, your child can easily travel by bus at highly discounted rates. They will never have to look for change again. The pass enables them to travel endlessly. Just make the pass once and they are free to ride. This could be one of the best money lessons that you teach your kid.
The most important thing to do is spending time with your child.