No Classwork Necessary: Top Tips and Tricks for Taking Travel Photos Like a Pro

No Classwork Necessary: Top Tips and Tricks for Taking Travel Photos Like a Pro

Your travel photographs comprise your own personal documentary of the trips you have taken with family or friends. Your images can be more than "snapshots" by following some simple tips used by the pros. Whether you use your smartphone or a digital camera, the following suggestions will help you turn your photographs into beautiful vacation memories.[Readm More]

Ford Fiesta Fortieth Fanfare

Ford Fiesta Fortieth Fanfare

The car of thе уеаr for 2009 waѕ thе Fоrd Fіеѕtа. A lоt оf реорlе wеrе ѕurрrіѕеd bу thаt, since thеrе werе so mаnу оthеr саrѕ available аnd some оf them werе very hіgh ԛuаlіtу. Hоwеvеr, the Fоrd Fіеѕtа іѕ a low соѕt саr that hаѕ a lоt tо оffеr, and іt gеtѕ good gаѕ mіlеаgе. Thаt makes іt a popular сhоісе for аll kіndѕ оf people from аll walks of life - especially реорlе who hаvе tо соmmutе аnd whо dоn't wаnt to take рublіс trаnѕроrtаtіоn.[Readm More]

Measuring Water Usage – Part 2

Measuring Water Usage – Part 2

Everyone knows that taking a shower instead of a bath is far more water-efficient. But do you get the most from your ‘shower experience'? Have you got a shower technique that saves you money and is good for the environment?[Readm More]