Is it possible to launch a company from scratch, and do $100,000,000 in sales within 12 months?
Well the answer is yes, and today we’re going to talk to the man who accomplished that feat, and find out exactly how he did it.
His name is Josh Bezoni, and the company is called BioTrust.
Three years ago, he and his business partner Joel Marion saw an opportunity to disrupt the nutrition and supplement industry with a single mission…
To produce the highest quality, most certified, and most clinically tested products on the market. In an industry filled with cost-cutting, and fraud, Josh and Joel decided to create the most tested, and trusted supplement company in the world, and the market responded with over $100,000,000 in first year revenue.
Now in order to hit those kind of numbers, you need much more than a great product…
You need a world-class team, an insanely effective marketing strategy, and a mission that’s bigger than just business.
Well today we have an opportunity to sit down with Josh and find out exactly how they accomplished this incredible feat.
You’ll hear the brilliant strategy he used to recruit a world-class executive team. (BioTrust’s COO was formerly the head of operations and logistics for Amazon in North America).
He’ll also fill you in on the brilliant marketing strategy that they used to acquire all of their customers without ever having to put their products on a single store shelf, and how partnering with the Make A Wish Foundation increased their sales revenue by 5%.
This is without a doubt, one of the most valuable sessions we’ve ever had here at Self Made Man so please do yourself a favor and listen to it at least twice, and please do the entrepreneurs you know a huge favor, and share this incredible knowledge with them…
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