Selling Your Big-Ticket Items as an Adult

Selling Your Big-Ticket Items as an Adult

Once you've established yourself with a home and a family, you may find that every once in a while you have to sell something big. These kinds of sales can be extremely stressful if you're not prepared, which is why you should make a point to do some research about each of these events before they happen.[Readm More]
3 Things Your Teens Should Know Before They Enter Into a Relationship

3 Things Your Teens Should Know Before They Enter Into a Relationship

Ahhh! Teenage love. It’s the only roller coaster some of us ever enjoyed being on. It’s up and down, he loves me he loves me not, and I think I’m going to marry that girl one moment and we’re just friends, the next. Like anything else in their future adult lives, we as parents have a responsibility to teach our kids how to seek out and maintain a healthy relationship.[Readm More]
Tips For Dealing With a Death As A Family

Tips For Dealing With a Death As A Family

Experiencing a death in the family is never an easy thing. Particularly when you have children involved. It can be incredibly emotional and difficult to have to break the news, which is often the most difficult part. [Readm More]