Traveling with kids can be a lot of fun. They get to experience new things that you’ve long taken for granted and you create memories with your family that will last a lifetime. But while these things can be enjoyable, traveling with little ones can also be a living nightmare if you’re not prepared for schedule adjustments. If you haven’t checked out blogs such as to help with travel preparedness, then it may be wise to, just to see if there is something there that you forgot, to make sure you aren’t in a mess as you travel, especially if it is abroad. So to help your family have an enjoyable vacation regardless of where you’re traveling or how long you’ll spend on the road, here are three tips for getting yourself and your kids through the chaotic schedule of traveling.
Traveling and Sleeping Schedules
If you have kids who still need to nap multiple times a day, your plan for traveling during the daylight hours might have to be a little more flexible than you may like. While you may have to alter some of your traveling plans to accommodate your child, this option is much better than having a cranky, crying kid while you’re trying to get through airport security or still have a few hours in the car until you reach your destination.
To make this minimally traumatic for everyone, recommends planning your travels around your child’s typical sleeping schedule. If your child naps at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. each day, try to structure your travels around those blocks of time. Try not to be getting ready to board your plane or landing during these times to give your child the best chance possible for maintaining a positive attitude while traveling.
Dealing With Jet Lag
Jet lag is one thing many parents are worried about when traveling with little ones. Arriving in a different time zone can wreak havoc with your child’s sleeping patterns and take days to finally get into a rhythm. For this reason, suggests just sticking with your normal home time for differences of less than three hours. This will make the adjustment easiest on your kids. For differences of more than three hours, make sure you’re keeping your kids active and in the sunlight as much as possible to reset their body clocks as quickly as possible. This also means keeping the night dark by shading the windows from any outside light.
Take Nap Breaks
Once you’ve reached your destination, it can be tempting to fill your days with as many activities as you can to get your time and money’s worth. However, reminds us that it’s important to take nap breaks if that’s what your child is used to. This will help them be happier during the vacation as well as give you a break from all the action so you can rest as well. Even if your child doesn’t take consistent naps at home, with everything going on while on vacation, taking a few hours off in the afternoon could still be a good thing to try.
With a little thought and planning, you can help your kids manage the chaotic schedules that traveling inevitably brings. Use the tips mentioned above to make your travels work for your family.